El cambio radical de la ex tenista Jelena Dokic: 57 kilos menos en 11 meses

El cambio de Jelena Dokic.
El cambio de Jelena Dokic.
El cambio de Jelena Dokic.

Jelena Dokic llegó a ser la cuarta tenista en el ranking mundial, allá por 2002, cuando apenas tenía 18 años. La jugadora de nacionalidad australiana, nacida en Croacia, abandonó las pistas en 2014 pero ha vuelto a ser noticia estos días por su cambio radical.

Como puede comprobarse a simple vista en su cuenta de Instagram, en el último año Dokic ha perdido mucho peso: 57 kilos en once meses, para ser precisos. Llegó a pesar 120, nada menos, con 1,75 metros de estatura.

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Transformation!!! This a 6 month progress before and after photo. Over 30 kgs lost and I am half way. My journey continues and I am very happy with what I have been able to achieve so far but there is still a lot of work to be done. I know that getting down to my optimal weight and losing the rest of the weight won’t be easy and it will get tougher from here as I get closer to my goal weight but I am extremely motivated and confident as I know I have @jennycraigausnz by my side and supporting me all the way. I just want to say a big thank you to everyone at @jennycraigausnz .Your support,care and understanding has helped me get this far and I am grateful for everything that the whole team at @jennycraigausnz has done to help me especially in the tough times. It’s a lot more than losing weight but also getting fit,healthy and most importantly happy. Even though I have been on @jennycraigausnz now for 6 months I still can’t believe how great the food is,how easy it is to prepare and having my own consultant is just incredible. @jennycraigausnz has changed my life and I would recommend the @jennycraigausnz program to everyone. Join me on my @jennycraigausnz journey now. Visit @jennycraigausnz or www.jennycraig.com.au now and check out the LINK IN BIO to see more about my weight loss journey. I hope I have given you all some inspiration and motivation no matter what your goals are.It can all be done,just don’t give up and keep believing. 🙏💪😍🤸‍♀️🍲🥗🥙🍲🥗🥙 #jennycraigausnz #jennycraig #myjennycraigjourney #jennycraigjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightloss #transformation #progress #weightlossjourney #health #healthy #lifestyle #healthylifestyle #fitness #inspiration #motivation #healthyfood #healthyeating #australia #melbourne #sydney #inspo #fitspo #healthylife #women #empoweringwomen #weightlossmotivation #lookoftheday #weightlossinspiration #inspire

Una publicación compartida de JELENA DOKIC 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 (@dokic_jelena) el16 May, 2019 a las 3:04 PDT

Dokic lleva diez años luchando contra la depresión. "Pensé en terminar mi vida innumerables veces y casi me suicido hace poco más de 10 años", llegó a decir. Hace dos años reveló los malos tratos que le infligía su padre:  "Me pegaba a diario y llegó a patearme la cabeza".

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